Monday, January 19, 2009

Fruits Specialties

1) Melon - This fruit is an excellent cleanser and rehydrator as it has high water content.

2) Apple- This fruit works as a tonic. it relieves constipation, reduces total cholesterol and removes toxins.Apple contains Vitamin C and B, mineral-magnesium, chromium, and manganese. Moreover, it contains no fat and cholesterol.People, eating it everyday can get a full nutritional from it.apples can help to prevent many diseases like heart attack, gum disease,
and especially lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute reported that apple contains falconoid that those compounds are alsofound in food that can lower or give a few risk of lung cancer about 50%.

3) Fig -This fruit is rich source of calcium and has laxative properties.

4) Mango-Reduces acidity and helps in gaining weight.

5) Grape-It is a cleanser of blood and has anti allergic properties.

6) Lemon-Works as a bleaching agent and has properties to fight cancer.

7) Pears-This fruit helps to increase free flow of urine and good for thyroid glands.

8) Peach- This fruit also helps to increase free flow of urine and laxative in nature.

9) Cherries-Bring relief from migraines and headaches.

10) Banana-Promotes sleep and acts as mild laxative. They have antifungal properties, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and remove toxins.

11)Kiwi Fruit- his fruit contains some vitamins like vitamin C, E and K. Interestingly, it also contains a most effective laxative. And it has a potential to reduce the riskof cancer including the cardiovascular (heart disease). Kiwifruit is good for elderly people. However, the report said that there is no allergy incident resulted from
eating kiwifruit.

12)Blueberry-lueberry ranks in number one in anti-oxidant activity compare to other fruits and vegetables. Anti-oxidant means a substance which slow down the rateat which something decays because of oxidization. Moreover, Blueberries helps to lower cholesterol and many other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer,urinary tract infection, stroke…

13)Strawberry-vitamins that Strawberry contains, there are vitamin C, K, B5, and vitamin B6. Studied show that the consumption of Strawberry can reduces theprostate Cancer. In addition to this, it ranks in number sixth of most anti-oxidant rich fruit. Another test in laboratory added that Strawberry may reduce theLDL(low density of lipoprotein), which is a contributor of heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis.


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